I do not like you very much right now. I hope you're happy.
- Sam
You make my heart go "pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pit." Where have you been all my life?
- Sam
Fundraising update:
We added up all our donations as a team and officially have (as of last night!) $26.00 left to raise! Phew... $26.00 is nothing compared to $10,000.00! (Oooh, look how many zeros!) $26... it's the cost of a shirt (an inexpensive one from Target) or the cost of 26 items from the dollar menu at McDonald's, or about 7 gallons of gas in Massachusetts right now. So, we officially have half a tank of gas to get to our team goal. I think one Real Piette of Newport, Vermont said it perfectly this morning:
[08:55] thefrontdesk27: I can't believe it
Neither can I... however, all this is merely what we intended to do. We set a goal and are thisclose to reaching it. It feels good. Ask my team members about it. I bet they will tell you it feels good too. Colbie Caillat describes it well: "I get the tingles in a silly place, It starts in my toes, And I crinkle my nose, Wherever it goes I always know."
Because my family in Vermont seems to appreciate the intense randomness that goes on in my head, the following is a small slice of that randomness (as if you people don't get enough of this already):
This morning on the radio they said "Coming up next on Mix 98.5, the youtube video of the day!" Does everyone else see what's wrong with this, or is it just me?
Since starting SparkPeople I have lost a little over 15lbs by eating healthier and going to the gym. 15lbs is almost a whole Bruno! It's almost TWO Boogers! Food is a ridiculous thing to be controlled by and I am doing everything I can to stop that control. I would much rather be controlled by something more scary. I can see a lot more people feeling bad for me if the headline read "Local Woman Attacked by Flying-Purple-People-Eater" than "Local Woman Attacked and Held Hostage by Three Cupcakes and a Big Mac." That story and more, tonight at 11...
Lately, Jason has been looking me right in the eye and saying "I like you." It's nice, but after a week I know when he's going to do it, and if you heard him say it, you would not think it was cute, you would just have a raised eyebrow or two. He says it as though he's surprised by it. He's cute and I'm really glad he likes me, you know, considering we are married and all.
When I eat the 100 Calorie Packs of Oreo Bites I really try really hard to convince myself that I am eating a Snickers bar... I hope it starts to work soon.
What's with squirrels lately anyway? I have anyways been a fan, but lately I feel like they know something I don't. I'd like to say I DON'T think they are all plotting to take over the world and secretly hold meetings in storage space #48 of my apartment complex, but it just wouldn't be true. I think the mysterious music coming from that general area isn't a very good cover.
I'm not sure if squirrels on steriods would be really scary or incredibly funny. See previous comment before you decide.
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